The Space Within
In the captivating form of The Space Within, a house-shaped sculpture, swirling leaves are ensnared in an endless, mesmerizing spiral. This elegant design not only symbolizes the perpetual flow of energy but also forges a profound bond between the concept of home and its natural environment.
22” h x 8” w x 5 1/2” d
In the captivating form of The Space Within, a house-shaped sculpture, swirling leaves are ensnared in an endless, mesmerizing spiral. This elegant design not only symbolizes the perpetual flow of energy but also forges a profound bond between the concept of home and its natural environment.
22” h x 8” w x 5 1/2” d
In the captivating form of The Space Within, a house-shaped sculpture, swirling leaves are ensnared in an endless, mesmerizing spiral. This elegant design not only symbolizes the perpetual flow of energy but also forges a profound bond between the concept of home and its natural environment.
22” h x 8” w x 5 1/2” d